Thursday, March 03, 2005

Daf Yomi Day 2: Donkeys Braying at Night

On Bavli Brachot 2a, we saw R Eliezer said a sign for the first asmoret is the donkey braying. There is actually a later reference to this plactice of donkeys braying at night, in a Gam Zo LiTovah ("This too is for the best") story involving Rabbi Akiva. In Bavli Brachot 60b:
וכן תנא משמיה דר' עקיבא
לעולם יהא אדם רגיל לומר
כל דעביד רחמנא לטב עביד
כי הא דרבי עקיבא דהוה קאזיל באורחא
מטא לההיא מתא בעא אושפיזא לא יהבי ליה
אמר כל דעביד רחמנא לטב
אזל ובת בדברא והוה בהדיה תרנגולא וחמרא ושרגא
אתא זיקא כבייה לשרגא
אתא שונרא אכליה לתרנגולא
אתא אריה אכליה לחמרא
אמר כל דעביד רחמנא לטב
ביה בליליא אתא גייסא שבייה למתא
אמר להו לאו אמרי לכו כל מה שעושה הקדוש ברוך הוא הכל לטובה:
And so we learn in the name of Rabbi Akiva
One should always be accustomed to say
All that Hashem does, He does for the good.
Like this story that Rabbi Akiva was travelling on the road.
He came to a certain city and wished to sleep in an inn there and they did not give him.
He said: All that Hashem does is for the good.
He went and camped out in the wilderness and he had with him a rooster, a donkey, and a candle.
A wind came and blew out the candle.
A cat came and ate the rooster.
A lion came and ate the donkey.
He said: All that Hashem does is for good.
That night a troop came and captured the city.
He said to them (probably students): Did I not tell you that all Hashem does, it is all for good?
Presumably, the rooster would have crowed in the morning, and light of the candle would have been seen, and the donkey would have brayed - according to R Eliezer, at the end of the first ashmoret - and this would have given away his presence.

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